
Showing posts from January, 2020

All about chasing the northern lights

The colorful dancing auroras, the rush of submerging into the Arctic, frozen lakes, ferocious snow-clad mountains, Yes! we are talking about the experience of seeing the northern lights. Let's agree, we all want that perfect picture to post in social media and get the 'Aahhaa's' and 'Wow's' but do we really know how to chase it? The science behind it? The probability of actually experiencing it?  Many travelers, like myself, booked the travel to the Arctic circle with the assumption that northern lights show love, if not daily, 3-4 times a week. To my dismay, I realized I not only was blinded by own speculations of my future non-existent posts but also took no efforts to be aware of the science behind it. Google searches and comments stating I could see it from my hotel window just made it look like it was not a task to get a glimpse of the aurora. Not to burst the bubble but they are those lucky people who get tax refunds. I wouldn't say that it is